Frequently Asked Questions
Some people are seasoned psychic-goers and they pretty much know what to expect. Others find this field of work foreign and unfamiliar territory, not knowing where to begin. Find out what exactly a "psychic" does from the perspective of a reader. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions that I have encountered from people who have come to me as a client for the first time, or who have never had a reading before and are unfamiliar with how readings work.
Q: How do tarot card readings work?
A: It's just like having a conversation between two people, but the cards/Spirit/guides add more "people" to the conversation. The cards are archetypal images for the reader to interpret. People can ask a specific question for the cards to reveal detailed answers, or it can be left open to general interpretation by letting the cards "speak" of whatever message needs to come up for the client. More often than not, specific questions come up after starting with a general reading to pave the way.
Q: How can randomly shuffling and drawing cards by chance give me an accurate reading?
A: Magic.
And also we aren't limited beings. I don't believe anything is really by chance. As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so my soul. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Energy in motion tends to stay in motion etc. Everything is a reflection to energy. People are our mirrors. The environment is our mirror. Cards are a mirror that reflect what is going on in our lives. I know that is a rather esoteric response, but divination is an art, and less-so a science. There is a general structure or formula to follow based upon card spreads and charts and commonly assigned definitions, but really, the richest readings come from interpretation. Spirit really does work in magical ways.
Q: Are you a psychic?
A: I only speak for myself here. As I mentioned that Tarot readers are not mind readers, psychics are not mind readers either. Reading energy, I can pick up nuances of detail or receive specific messages that Spirit gives us. Spirit is the source of what comes information comes through. I have psychic abilities. Sometimes I "hear" specific messages, sometimes I "see" specific images, sometimes I can even "smell" specific things. Mostly I can "feel" energies, sometimes viscerally. I also have an ability to just "know" without knowing why or where or how etc. This is what it is to be an empath, healer, psychic, medium, prophetic, intuitive, claircognizant, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, or sensitive person. It is typical that a reader will have "crossover" capabilities if they are talented in one area of the metaphysical arts. They will most likely be talented in many. If not, it is possible that other spiritual arenas have yet to be explored and practiced. Psychic abilities are just like a muscle, the more you use them, the stronger they get. Others have a hard time "shutting it off", which is a different issue than will be discussed here. Either way, practice makes perfect. Although there is no such thing as perfection, or 100% accuracy. I do not choose when messages come through, how they come through, or what comes through. I am not in control of my intuition, as I consider it more of an innate reflex, just like swallowing when you have something in your mouth.
Really, it boils down to the fact that the term psychic has gathered a reputation for having other less-desirable connotations associated it. I guess you can say that I am a psychic, but one, I am not really into labels, and two, I don't know what that term means to you. If we agree on the same definition of what a psychic is, than yes, I am a psychic!
Q: I don't want a reading. I don't want to hear anything bad.
A: When I tell people I am a reader, and their first defense is this response, I realize this statement is coming from a lot of assumptions, and misconceptions. The first assumption is that I will "read" them without their consent. The second assumption is that I want to read people without fiscal compensation for my expertise. The third assumption is that I want to tell people bad things or make them afraid, which automatically strips people of their own power, where they become victimized by circumstance.
I feel the purpose of a good reader isn't to scare people, but to lovingly confirm what they already know to be true, affirm they do have personal power to change anything they find disagreeable, direct them to finding and utilizing their natural gifts and talents, and empower them to use these tools and navigate what lies ahead. I look at it this way: life is filled with both good and bad, and often times readings are a mix of both, as it is an realistic and accurate reflection of life circumstances. I am not a doom and gloom reader, nor am I going to cheer-lead you off a cliff. Experienced and reputable readers have gained counseling experience through their practice, or have had prior training to deliver "bad" news with grace, tact and diplomacy that is gentile enough to be received. I think style of delivery is just as, if not more important than the news itself. Often times, it's not what you say, but how you say it.
Q: How are you able to do readings over the phone? Do I have to be in the same room for the reading for it to be accurate?
A: There are benefits to either phone or in-person readings, and both lend for a different experience. In-person readings can be more, well... "personal". As a reader, I am able to pick up on non-verbal cues through body language that can influence the reading. This doesn't need to be judged as bad thing, because the "best" readings are when you have feedback from your client in order to build into a propelled motion forward for the rest of the reading. Also, tarot readers are not mind readers. The more open a person is, the better the "flow" will be, creating a deeper reading experience. A colleague of mine has put it, "I'm don't like to play stump the psychic". Yes, openness is key. The cards should reflect what is going on in the client's life, and when the body sings with truth it is easily seen and that validation creates "psychic momentum". We benefit from this experience through in-person readings. Plus, people like to see the cards.
Just as in-person readings can be more "personal", readings over the phone can be more "impersonal", because I am not able to pick up on non-verbal cues through body language that can influence the reading. I am able to just focus on the messages I receive from the cards and from Spirit. We still have the added intermittent verbal exchange as one would in-person, just not any body communication helping the reading along. Aside from is this missing element, however, this is also a benefit. Readers are humans with their own perspective colored from their own unique life experiences. Meaning, people are biased based upon what they see. In my opinion, this is unavoidable human nature. Biases don't necessarily have to be judgments, but they are biases all the same. When I have no idea what the person looks like that I am talking to and reading for, the reading is not influenced by visual cues. Neither in-person or phone readings are "better" than the other, they are simply different.
Both approaches I find are just as accurate because Spirit gives me the information that needs to be translated through the reading. Spirit works like the internet. I receive the same clear messages in my psychic inbox from across the room or halfway across the globe.
Q: I want an Astrology chart reading, but what is Vedic Astrology? How is it different from "regular" Astrology?
A: Although I hold a certification in Western Astrology, I choose to now practice Vedic Astrology, which is Eastern Astrology primarily used in India; otherwise known as Jyotish, "The Science of Light". Vedic Astrology uses the Sidereal system, based upon the constellations. Western Astrology, which is popular in the West, uses the Tropical system, based upon a seasonal calendar. I have found through my practice, using the sidereal system is more accurate for overall personality analysis, and timing predictions for clients who want forecasting.
Q: Okay but why is my sign different in Vedic astrology?
Your entire chart may look different in Vedic Astrology than in Western Astrology, because of the different calculations used. This includes your Sun sign potentially changing signs.
Vedic Astrology is a more accurate system, because the coordinates used are connected to astronomy in 'real-time' transits of planets through the 12 signs of the zodiac belt. Tropical Astrology calculations are derived from a seasonal calendar that is a representation of the Sidereal Zodiac, and does not have a direct correlation to the night sky today. The sidereal system of Vedic Astrology uses different astronomical measurements, so your chart may look different than what you have found online unless you use a sidereal chart calculator.
Q: I've already had my Astrology chart done. Can I bring it to you to interpret?
A: It would be more beneficial for both of us if I ran your birth chart information through my astro-software, as I will be using different tab functions for calculations during the reading. I am then able to send you a copy of your chart from our session via email.
Q: How long is a chart reading? Can you just look at something really quick for me?
Initially, you will benefit from a full natal chart delineation. I answer any and all questions you have about your chart, your future, or anything in general about Astrology during your appointment. The session lasts one hour and this service is listed on my services page. www.sungoddessashley.com/services
It is important that you first understand your chart, your karma and your life-path before having me furnish other Astrological services, such as compatibility readings with someone else's chart, or shorter sessions as follow-up consultations.
Q: How do I book an Astrology appointment?
Chart readings are booked in advance, per availability. Please send me your birth chart information (location: city/state or province; date of birth: month, day, year; and an accurate birth time - am/pm).
*It is important to provide an accurate time of birth, because time estimations will yield less-than-accurate results in your chart. (Even twins lead different lives and have experience separate occurring events.)